I Just Want You To Know …

In a way, mom and I live in two separate worlds.

Hers is one of the happiest worlds you could ever imagine. And, when I visit it, it makes me happy, too.

She rarely visits mine, or at least I am unaware of it if/when she does, but last night, out of the blue, she did and it caught me totally off guard.

I had tucked her in bed, kissed and hugged her and was dimming her lamp on the bedside table when she spoke in a voice that was strong, sure, and calm … a voice I have not heard from my mom for too many years now.

“I just want you to know, if you ever have to leave me, always know you have been the nicest person to be with me and help me.

You have given me the most wonderful times of my life.

No matter what happens, I will always love you for it.”

I stood by her bedside, watched her as she closed her eyes, watched the steady rhythm of her breathing … and then, without making a sound, I cried.

My tears were a warm, salty mix of sadness and joy.

The tears of sadness were for the challenges and choices that lie ahead.

The tears of  joy were for the feelings you experience when someone you have loved your whole life, and yet haven’t seen in what seems like forever, returns home.

The miracle is that you are so caught up in the moment, it doesn’t even occur to you to ask, “So, how long are you here for?”

About Tom Laughon

Tom Laughon (Pronounced Lawn) is President of Catch Your Limit, an organization whose sole purpose is to guide and grow leaders. His journey from lead singer in a rock-n-roll band, to a successful career in marketing & advertising to consultant, strategist, keynote speaker, facilitator, professor and writer is a fascinating one. Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, Tom and his team guide organizations, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies to national associations, to "catch their limit" in areas such as leadership development, creativity, innovation, teaming and transformational change. His commitment to "practice what he preaches" has made Catch Your Limit a petri dish for round-the-clock discovery and learning. The firm's brand reflects Tom's personal brand: Fun, Inspirational, Strategic & Hot!

8 responses »

  1. Chris MacLellan "The Bow-Tie-Guy"

    Simply Beautiful!


  2. I love hearing about your mom…..thank you for being such a wonderful son! I know your mom is proud of you…


  3. Wow. I’m crying too. POWerful stuff. So glad you shared that moment with us.


  4. Wow! That was a priceless moment, Tom. And what a blessing for you to experience! Thanks ever so much for sharing it.


  5. Its her world ,shes just letting us be a prt of it!!! PTL


  6. letstalkaboutfamily

    Brought tears to my eyes too. Cherish the moments as they come.


  7. We are all tearing up. The thing is, she probably could not have told you how long she was there for. It’s just wonderful you had that moment.

    I, on the other hand, spent the week with my 90 year old mom in the hospital, with her on pain medication and yelling at me because I hadn’t done this or that. She’s normally difficult but not mean, so I’m just wiping this out of my head.


  8. Priceless moments! Please give her a kiss from me. Love her so much. You are and amazing son Mr. Laughon. Thank you for sharing.



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